Monday, January 24, 2005

Snow Days

Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a week since I blogged. Last week I was so busy running around trying to promote my show and mail off press kits and talk to people and do all these million little things, it just doesn't seem like all that time went by. Then of course, we get our little mini blizzard over the weekend and I feel like I'm in school again. U know, when u were in school and u would pray for a snow day so u could just sit at home in your nightclothes and watch tv all day? Well, that's what I did this weekend. 19 episodes of Alias. That's a lot of TV. But damn it was fun. It was nice 2 relax for a change. I hadn't done that in a while. But now it's Monday and the stress really starts. Funny thing is I'm not really stressing over performing, I'll be fine at that. I'm stressing over money. I'm not trying to break the bank here, but I could possibly lose my ass if the people who've said they're coming don't show up. (I need 167 people to come just to break even! YIKES!)I've promoted this like no other show I've ever promoted before and I'm sure it will be great, but why am I putting myself through all this if at the end of the day I walk away with yet another huge loss? Well, I'm not going to be pessimistic yet, I can't afford to be. I promised people a great show and that's just what they're gonna get! Well, back to work. I have a lot of things I need 2 accomplish tonight ... labels, book design, phone calls, research and I STILL can't figure out how to update my f*cking website! URRGH!... no one has a clue the work that goes into being a self run indie artist!

"She works hard 4 the money, so hard 4 it, honey!"


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